New issues of Hong Kong dollar debt instruments, other than Exchange Fund Bills and Notes

API Detailed Documentation


Request Parameters (Mandatory)

Parameter Name Description
segment Used to indicate which sets of data are going to retrieve.
Format: segment=data segment name (new/old)
Example: segment=new

New series

Output Fields (JSON) Swagger Format
Name Type Unit Of Measure Description
end_of_quarter Date Year and Quarter in ISO format yyyy-qq, For example, 1997-Q1
fixed_rate_1y_or_less Number HK$ million Fixed Rate Debt Securities (original maturity)2
1 year or less
fixed_rate_more_than_1y_to_3y Number HK$ million Fixed Rate Debt Securities (original maturity)2
More than 1 year to 3 years
fixed_rate_more_than_3y_to_5y Number HK$ million Fixed Rate Debt Securities (original maturity)2
More than 3 years to 5 years
fixed_rate_more_than_5y Number HK$ million Fixed Rate Debt Securities (original maturity)2
More than 5 years
floating_rate_1y_or_less Number HK$ million Floating Rate Debt Securities (original maturity)3
1 year or less
floating_rate_more_than_1y_to_3y Number HK$ million Floating Rate Debt Securities (original maturity)3
More than 1 year to 3 years
floating_rate_more_than_3y_to_5y Number HK$ million Floating Rate Debt Securities (original maturity)3
More than 3 years to 5 years
floating_rate_more_than_5y Number HK$ million Floating Rate Debt Securities (original maturity)3
More than 5 years
total Number HK$ million Total


1. Data sources include Bloomberg, Central Moneymarkets Unit, Dealogic and Reuters. There is a break in data series in 2018 due mainly to the inclusion of more short-term debt securities.
2. Fixed rate debt securities include all kinds of fixed rate instruments normally traded in the financial markets that serve as evidence of a debt.
3. Floating rate debt securities include all kinds of floating rate instruments normally traded in the financial markets that serve as evidence of a debt.
4. The cut-off between short-term and long-term debt securities is defined in accordance with the latest Handbook on Securities Statistics jointly published by the Bank for International Settlements, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank.

Old series

Output Fields (JSON) Swagger Format
Name Type Unit Of Measure Description
end_of_quarter Date Year and Quarter in ISO format yyyy-qq, For example, 1997-Q1
fixed_rate_less_than_3y Number HK$ million Fixed Rate Paper (original maturity)2
Less than 3 years
fixed_rate_3to5y Number HK$ million Fixed Rate Paper (original maturity)2
3 to 5 years
fixed_rate_more_than_5y Number HK$ million Fixed Rate Paper (original maturity)2
More than 5 years
floating_rate_less_than_3y Number HK$ million Floating Rate Paper (original maturity)3
Less than 3 years
floating_rate_3to5y Number HK$ million Floating Rate Paper (original maturity)3
3 to 5 years
floating_rate_more_than_5y Number HK$ million Floating Rate Paper (original maturity)3
More than 5 years
total Number HK$ million Total

Footnotes (Old):

1. Figures are obtained from a survey on local debt market activities conducted by the HKMA with the co-operation of the Hong Kong Capital Markets Association.
2. Fixed rate papers include fixed rate certificates of deposit, commercial papers and straight bonds.
3. Floating rate papers include floating rate certificates of deposit, floating rate notes and floating rate asset-backed securities.

API Examples

Javascript Example

url: '',
alert('results found:'+ data.result.datasize)

Python Example

import urllib.request
url = ''
with urllib.request.urlopen (url) as req:
print (

How to use the APIs

To learn more, please visit API documentation.