Market operation – Daily figures

API Detailed Documentation


API Data Enquiry

Output Fields (JSON) Swagger Format
Name Type Unit Of Measure Description
Date in ISO format yyyy-mm-dd, For example, 1997-01-01
market_activitiesNumberHK$ millionNet Changes in Aggregate Balance1
Market activities2
interest_paymentNumberHK$ millionNet Changes in Aggregate Balance1
Interest Payment/Issuance of Exchange Fund Paper
discount_window_reversalNumberHK$ millionNet Changes in Aggregate Balance1
Discount Window reversal3
discount_window_activitiesNumberHK$ millionNet Changes in Aggregate Balance1
Discount Window activities
closing_balanceNumberHK$ millionClosing balance


1. Prior to 9 December 1996, the closing balance referred to the account balance that the management bank of the Hong Kong Association of Banks' Clearing House maintained with the Exchange Fund. Since the inception of the Real Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS) on 9 December 1996, the closing balance refers to the aggregate balance of settlement accounts that licensed banks maintain with the Exchange Fund under the RTGS.
2. Market activities refer to the net injection or withdrawal of funds by the HKMA in the interbank money market.
3. Discount Window Reversal is the reversal of previous day's Discount

API Examples

Javascript Example

url: '',
alert('results found:'+ data.result.datasize)

Python Example

import urllib.request
url = ''
with urllib.request.urlopen (url) as req:
print (

How to use the APIs

To learn more, please visit API documentation.