API Detailed Documentation
| |
Output Fields (JSON) | Swagger Format |
Name | Type | Unit Of Measure | Description |
end_of_month | Date | As at end of Year and Month in ISO format yyyy-mm, For example, 1997-01 | |
hkd_drmkt_outstand_efbn | Number | HK$ million | Hong Kong dollar debt market Outstanding amount Exchange Fund bills & notes1,2 |
hkd_drmkt_outstand_odrinst | Number | HK$ million | Hong Kong dollar debt market Outstanding amount Other debt instruments1,2 |
hkd_drmkt_outstand_total | Number | HK$ million | Hong Kong dollar debt market Outstanding amount Total1,2 |
hkd_drmkt_new_non_efbn | Number | HK$ million | Hong Kong dollar debt market New issues other than Exchange Fund bills & notes |
eq_mkt_hs_index | Number | point | Equity market Hang Seng Index1 (31/7/64=100) |
eq_mkt_ttl_stock_cap | Number | HK$ million | Equity market Total stock market capitalization1,3 |
eq_mkt_fund_raised | Number | HK$ million | Equity market Funds raised3,4 |
1. End of period figure. |
2. At face value. |
3. Main Board and Growth Enterprise Market (GEM). |
4. Includes initial public offers, placings, rights issues, etc. |
API Examples
Javascript Example
$.ajax({url: 'https://api.hkma.gov.hk/public/market-data-and-statistics/monthly-statistical-bulletin/financial/capital-market-statistics?offset=0',dataType:'json',success:function(data){alert('results found:'+ data.result.datasize)}});
Python Example
import urllib.requesturl = 'https://api.hkma.gov.hk/public/market-data-and-statistics/monthly-statistical-bulletin/financial/capital-market-statistics?offset=0'with urllib.request.urlopen (url) as req:print (req.read())