Banking statistics

API Detailed Documentation


API Data Enquiry

Output Fields (JSON) Swagger Format
Name Type Unit Of Measure Description
end_of_monthDateAs at end of
Year and Month in ISO format yyyy-mm, For example, 1997-01
no_of_aisNumber Number of authorized institutions (AIs)
total_assetsNumber HK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedAssets and liabilities of all AIs
Total assets (liabilities)
total_ext_claimsNumber HK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedAssets and liabilities of all AIs
Total external claims9
total_ext_liabNumber HK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedAssets and liabilities of all AIs
Total external9
cust_deposites_hkdNumber HK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedCustomer deposits of all AIs
Hong Kong dollar1
cust_deposits_fcNumber HK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedCustomer deposits of all AIs
Foreign currencies2
cust_deposits_totalNumber HK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedCustomer deposits of all AIs
loans_in_hkNumber HK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedLoans and advances of all AIs
Loans for use in Hong Kong3
loans_outside_hkNumber HK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedLoans and advances of all AIs
Loans for use outside Hong Kong4
loans_totalNumber HK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedLoans and advances of all AIs
loans_resid_mort_lendingNumber HK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedLoans and advances of all AIs
Of which: residential mortgage lending5
classif_loansNumber HK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedAsset quality of AIs
Classified loans (gross)6
deli_ratio_resid_mort_lendNumber HK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedAsset quality of AIs
Delinquency ratio of residential mortgage lending7
chroff_ratio_of_crcard_receNumberHK$ million, unless otherwise specifiedAsset quality of AIs
Charge-off ratio of credit card receivables8


1. Adjusted to include foreign currency swap deposits.
2. Adjusted to exclude foreign currency swap deposits.
3. Include loans for trade financing.
4. Include loans where the place of use is not known.
5. Based on the monthly survey of residential mortgage lending. There is a break in data series at December 2000 due to an increase in the number of surveyed institutions.
6. Percent of total loans of retail banks.
7. Percent of total residential mortgage loans of surveyed institutions.
8. Percent of total credit card receivables of surveyed institutions. Figures are annual or annualized quarterly data.
9. For positions from June 2015 onwards, the external liabilities and claims data are collected following the Bank for International Settlements' (BIS) Guidelines for Reporting the BIS International Banking Statistics issued in March 2013 (BIS Guidelines). The data are analysed according to the residence of counterparty. Some positions have been reclassified and are not directly comparable with positions before June 2015.

API Examples

Javascript Example

url: '',
alert('results found:'+ data.result.datasize)

Python Example

import urllib.request
url = ''
with urllib.request.urlopen (url) as req:
print (

How to use the APIs

To learn more, please visit API documentation.