Number of authorized institutions and local representative offices

API Detailed Documentation


API Data Enquiry

Output Fields (JSON) Swagger Format
Name Type Unit Of Measure Description
end_of_monthDateAs at end of
Year and Month in ISO format yyyy-mm, For example, 1997-01
lb_incorp_hkNumberLicensed banks
Incorporated in HK
lb_incorp_outside_hkNumberLicensed banks
Incorporated outside HK
rlb_incorp_hkNumberRestricted licence banks
Incorporated in HK
rlb_incorp_outside_hkNumberRestricted licence banks
outside HK
dtc_incorp_hkNumberDeposit-taking companies
Incorporated in HK
dtc_incorp_outside_hkNumberDeposit-taking companies
Incorporated outside HK
all_aisNumberAll authorized institutions
lrosNumberLocal representative offices


1. The figures in this table may not correspond with number of reporting authorized institutions in Tables 3.9.1 – 3.9.4 since the former include those which have been licensed/registered but are not yet in operation.

API Examples

Javascript Example

url: '',
alert('results found:'+ data.result.datasize)

Python Example

import urllib.request
url = ''
with urllib.request.urlopen (url) as req:
print (

How to use the APIs

To learn more, please visit API documentation.