Loans and advances for use in Hong Kong by economic sector – Restricted licence banks

API Detailed Documentation


Request Parameters (Mandatory)

Parameter Name Description
segment Used to indicate which sets of data are going to retrieve.
Format: segment=data segment name (new/old)
Example: segment=new
Output Fields (JSON) Swagger Format
Name Type Unit Of Measure Description
end_of_monthDateAs at end of
Year and Month in ISO format yyyy-mm, For example, 1997-01
mfgNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
mfg_textilesNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
mfg_footwearNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
Footwear and wearing apparel
mfg_metalengrNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
Metal products and engineering
mfg_rubbplastchemNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
Rubber, plastic and chemicals
mfg_shipbuildrepairNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
Shipbuilding and repair3
mfg_eeNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
Electrical and electronic4
mfg_ee_teleequipNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
Electrical and electronic4
Telecommunication equipment
mfg_ee_otherNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
Electrical and electronic4
mfg_foodNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
mfg_bevtobNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
Beverages and tobacco
mfg_printpubNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
Printing and publishing
mfg_miscNumberHK$ millionManufacturing
afNumberHK$ millionAgriculture and fisheries5,6
af_fisheriesNumberHK$ millionAgriculture and fisheries5,6
af_livestockNumberHK$ millionAgriculture and fisheries5,6
Livestock and livestock products
af_veghortNumberHK$ millionAgriculture and fisheries5,6
Vegetables and horticulture
tranNumberHK$ millionTransport and transport equipment
tran_shippingNumberHK$ millionTransport and transport equipment
tran_airtranNumberHK$ millionTransport and transport equipment
Air transport
tran_taxisplbNumberHK$ millionTransport and transport equipment
Taxis and public light buses
tran_taxisplb_taxisNumberHK$ millionTransport and transport equipment
Taxis and public light buses
tran_taxisplb_plbNumberHK$ millionTransport and transport equipment
Taxis and public light buses
Public light buses
tran_otherNumberHK$ millionTransport and transport equipment
egtNumberHK$ millionElectricity, gas and telecommunications7
egNumberHK$ millionElectricity and gas
recNumberHK$ millionRecreational activities
itNumberHK$ millionInformation technology
it_telecomNumberHK$ millionInformation technology
it_otherNumberHK$ millionInformation technology
bcpiNumberHK$ millionBuilding and construction, property development and investment
bcpi_propdevNumberHK$ millionBuilding and construction, property development and investment
Property development and investment
bcpi_propdev_indNumberHK$ millionBuilding and construction, property development and investment
Property development and investment
bcpi_propdev_resNumberHK$ millionBuilding and construction, property development and investment
Property development and investment
bcpi_propdev_commNumberHK$ millionBuilding and construction, property development and investment
Property development and investment
bcpi_propdev_otherNumberHK$ millionBuilding and construction, property development and investment
Property development and investment
Other properties
bcpi_otherNumberHK$ millionBuilding and construction, property development and investment
wsaleNumberHK$ millionWholesale and retail trade
mineNumberHK$ millionMining and quarrying6
miscNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
misc_hotelcaterNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
Hotels, boarding houses and catering
misc_finNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
Financial concerns
misc_fin_invNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
Financial concerns
Investment companies
misc_fin_insNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
Financial concerns
Insurance companies
misc_fin_futbrokNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
Financial concerns
Futures brokers
misc_fin_finotherNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
Financial concerns
Finance companies and others
misc_stockbrokNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
misc_profNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
Professional and private individuals
misc_prof_purschflatNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
Professional and private individuals
For the purchase of flats in Home Ownership Scheme, Private Sector Participation Scheme & Tenants Purchase Scheme
misc_prof_purotherNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
Professional and private individuals
For the purchase of other residential
misc_prof_otherNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
Professional and private individuals
For other purposes8
misc_allotherNumberHK$ millionMiscellaneous
All others
loan_inhkNumberHK$ millionLoans and advances for use in Hong Kong


1. A loan is classified according to its usage. Loans for trade financing are excluded.
2. Some loans have been reclassified. As such, the figures are not strictly comparable with those of previous quarters.
3. As from Jun 1997, figure is included in Miscellaneous under Manufacturing.
4. Loans have been reclassified since Mar 2004. As such, the figures are not strictly comparable with those of previous quarters.
5. As from Jun 1997, breakdowns are not available.
6. As from Mar 2004, figure is included in "All others" under Miscellaneous.
7. As from Mar 2004, figure has been reclassified as Electricity and gas, Telecommunications under Information technology, and Telecommunication equipment under Manufacturing.
8. Includes loans for credit card advances, other business purposes and other private purposes. Figures are combined to safeguard confidentiality of information provided by individual authorized institutions.
9. The December 2018 figures for loans for use in/outside Hong Kong have been restated to reflect authorized institutions' reclassification of working capital loans. As reclassified loan data before December 2018 are not available, quarter-on-quarter growth rates (for positions as at or before December 2018) and year-on-year growth rates of loans for use in Hong Kong (including their sub-components) can be calculated based on the data without such reclassification, as shown in worksheet "T3.5.3(old)".

API Examples

Javascript Example

url: '',
alert('results found:'+ data.result.datasize)

Python Example

import urllib.request
url = ''
with urllib.request.urlopen (url) as req:
print (

How to use the APIs

To learn more, please visit API documentation.