API Detailed Documentation
https://api.hkma.gov.hk/public/market-data-and-statistics/monthly-statistical-bulletin/banking/loans-by-sector-lbRequest Parameters (Mandatory)
Parameter Name | Description |
segment | Used to indicate which sets of data are going to retrieve. Format: segment=data segment name (new/old) Example: segment=new |
Output Fields (JSON) | Swagger Format |
Name | Type | Unit Of Measure | Description |
end_of_month | Date | As at end of Year and Month in ISO format yyyy-mm, For example, 1997-01 | |
mfg | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing |
mfg_textiles | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing Textiles |
mfg_footwear | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing Footwear and wearing apparel |
mfg_metalengr | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing Metal products and engineering |
mfg_rubbplastchem | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing Rubber, plastic and chemicals |
mfg_shipbuildrepair | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing Shipbuilding and repair3 |
mfg_ee | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing Electrical and electronic4 |
mfg_ee_teleequip | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing Electrical and electronic4 Telecommunication equipment |
mfg_ee_other | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing Electrical and electronic4 Others |
mfg_food | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing Food |
mfg_bevtob | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing Beverages and tobacco |
mfg_printpub | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing Printing and publishing |
mfg_misc | Number | HK$ million | Manufacturing Miscellaneous |
af | Number | HK$ million | Agriculture and fisheries5,6 |
af_fisheries | Number | HK$ million | Agriculture and fisheries5,6 Fisheries |
af_livestock | Number | HK$ million | Agriculture and fisheries5,6 Livestock and livestock products |
af_veghort | Number | HK$ million | Agriculture and fisheries5,6 Vegetables and horticulture |
tran | Number | HK$ million | Transport and transport equipment |
tran_shipping | Number | HK$ million | Transport and transport equipment Shipping |
tran_airtran | Number | HK$ million | Transport and transport equipment Air transport |
tran_taxisplb | Number | HK$ million | Transport and transport equipment Taxis and public light buses |
tran_taxisplb_taxis | Number | HK$ million | Transport and transport equipment Taxis and public light buses Taxis |
tran_taxisplb_plb | Number | HK$ million | Transport and transport equipment Taxis and public light buses Public light buses |
tran_other | Number | HK$ million | Transport and transport equipment Others |
egt | Number | HK$ million | Electricity, gas and telecommunications7 |
eg | Number | HK$ million | Electricity and gas |
rec | Number | HK$ million | Recreational activities |
it | Number | HK$ million | Information technology |
it_telecom | Number | HK$ million | Information technology Telecommunications |
it_other | Number | HK$ million | Information technology Others |
bcpi | Number | HK$ million | Building and construction, property development and investment |
bcpi_propdev | Number | HK$ million | Building and construction, property development and investment Property development and investment |
bcpi_propdev_ind | Number | HK$ million | Building and construction, property development and investment Property development and investment Industrial |
bcpi_propdev_res | Number | HK$ million | Building and construction, property development and investment Property development and investment Residential |
bcpi_propdev_comm | Number | HK$ million | Building and construction, property development and investment Property development and investment Commercial |
bcpi_propdev_other | Number | HK$ million | Building and construction, property development and investment Property development and investment Other properties |
bcpi_other | Number | HK$ million | Building and construction, property development and investment Other |
wsale | Number | HK$ million | Wholesale and retail trade |
mine | Number | HK$ million | Mining and quarrying6 |
misc | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous |
misc_hotelcater | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous Hotels, boarding houses and catering |
misc_fin | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous Financial concerns |
misc_fin_inv | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous Financial concerns Investment companies |
misc_fin_ins | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous Financial concerns Insurance companies |
misc_fin_futbrok | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous Financial concerns Futures brokers |
misc_fin_finother | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous Financial concerns Finance companies and others |
misc_stockbrok | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous Stockbrokers |
misc_prof | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous Professional and private individuals |
misc_prof_purschflat | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous Professional and private individuals For the purchase of flats in Home Ownership Scheme, Private Sector Participation Scheme & Tenants Purchase Scheme |
misc_prof_purother | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous Professional and private individuals For the purchase of other residential |
misc_prof_other | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous Professional and private individuals For other purposes8 |
misc_allother | Number | HK$ million | Miscellaneous All others |
loan_inhk | Number | HK$ million | Loans and advances for use in Hong Kong |
1. A loan is classified according to its usage. Loans for trade financing are excluded. |
2. Some loans have been reclassified. As such, the figures are not strictly comparable with those of previous quarters. |
3. As from Jun 1997, figure is included in Miscellaneous under Manufacturing. |
4. Loans have been reclassified since Mar 2004. As such, the figures are not strictly comparable with those of previous quarters. |
5. As from Jun 1997, breakdowns are not available. |
6. As from Mar 2004, figure is included in "All others" under Miscellaneous. |
7. As from Mar 2004, figure has been reclassified as Electricity and gas, Telecommunications under Information technology, and Telecommunication equipment under Manufacturing. |
8. Includes loans for credit card advances, other business purposes and other private purposes. Figures are combined to safeguard confidentiality of information provided by individual authorized institutions. |
9. The December 2018 figures for loans for use in/outside Hong Kong have been restated to reflect authorized institutions' reclassification of working capital loans. As reclassified loan data before December 2018 are not available, quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year growth rates of loans for use in/outside Hong Kong (including their sub-components) can be calculated based on the data without such reclassification, as shown in worksheet "T3.5.2(old)". |
API Examples
Javascript Example
$.ajax({url: 'https://api.hkma.gov.hk/public/market-data-and-statistics/monthly-statistical-bulletin/banking/loans-by-sector-lb?offset=0',dataType:'json',success:function(data){alert('results found:'+ data.result.datasize)}});
Python Example
import urllib.requesturl = 'https://api.hkma.gov.hk/public/market-data-and-statistics/monthly-statistical-bulletin/banking/loans-by-sector-lb?offset=0'with urllib.request.urlopen (url) as req:print (req.read())