Asset quality – Authorized institutions

API Detailed Documentation


API Data Enquiry

Output Fields (JSON) Swagger Format
Name Type Unit Of Measure Description
end_of_monthDateAs at end of
Year and Month in ISO format yyyy-mm, For example, 1997-01
pass_loansNumber%As % of total loans1
Pass loans
sp_ment_loansNumber%As % of total loans1
Special mention loans
cl_gross_substandardNumber%As % of total loans1
Classified loans (gross) Substandard
cl_gross_doubtfulNumber%As % of total loans1
Classified loans (gross) Doubtful
cl_gross_lossNumber%As % of total loans1
Classified loans (gross) Loss
cl_gross_totalNumber%As % of total loans1
Classified loans (gross) Total
cl_netNumber%As % of total loans1
Classified loans (net)3
loans_od3mNumber%As % of total loans1
Loans overdue > 3 months
loans_reschNumber%As % of total loans1
Rescheduled loans
loans_od3m_resch_totalNumber%As % of total loans1
Loans overdue > 3 months and rescheduled loans Total
cl_gross_mainland_lendNumber%As % of total Mainland-related lending2
Classified loans (gross) of Mainland-related lending


1. Figures cover authorized institutions' Hong Kong offices, overseas branches and major overseas subsidiaries.
2. Figures cover authorized institutions' Hong Kong offices, Mainland branches and subsidiaries.
3. Net of specific provisions/individual impairment allowances.

API Examples

Javascript Example

url: '',
alert('results found:'+ data.result.datasize)

Python Example

import urllib.request
url = ''
with urllib.request.urlopen (url) as req:
print (

How to use the APIs

To learn more, please visit API documentation.