API Detailed Documentation
https://api.hkma.gov.hk/public/financial-market-infra/trade-repository/hktr-data-disclose-fx?segment=positionsParameter Name | Description |
segment | Used to indicate which sets of data are going to retrieve.
Format: segment=data segment name (positions | turnover) Example: segment=positions |
PositionsOutput Fields (JSON) |
Swagger Format |
Name | Type | Unit Of Measure | Description |
end_of_date | Date | As at Date in ISO format yyyy-mm-dd For example, 2021-02-01 |
on_total_asset_class | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional Total (Asset Class) |
on_prod_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_intend_clear_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Intention to Clear Intended to Clear / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_not_intend_clear_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Intention to Clear Not Intended to Clear / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_usd_cny_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Currency USD/CNY / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_usd_idr_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Currency USD/IDR / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_usd_inr_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Currency USD/INR / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_usd_krw_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Currency USD/KRW / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_usd_myr_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Currency USD/MYR / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_usd_php_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Currency USD/PHP / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_usd_twd_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Currency USD/TWD / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_other_curr_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Currency Others / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_0m_3m_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Residual Maturity 0 – 3 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_3m_6m_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Residual Maturity 3 – 6 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_6m_9m_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Residual Maturity 6 – 9 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_9m_12m_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Residual Maturity 9 – 12 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_1y_2y_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Residual Maturity 1 – 2 Years / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_2y_5y_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Residual Maturity 2 – 5 Years / Non-deliverable Forward |
on_prod_5y_more_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | Outstanding Notional By Product and Residual Maturity > 5 Years / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_total_asset_class | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades Total (Asset Class) |
not_prod_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_intent_clear_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Intention to Clear Intended to Clear / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_not_intent_clear_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Intention to Clear Not Intended to Clear / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_usd_cny_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Currency USD/CNY / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_usd_idr_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Currency USD/IDR / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_usd_inr_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Currency USD/INR / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_usd_krw_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Currency USD/KRW / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_usd_myr_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Currency USD/MYR / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_usd_php_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Currency USD/PHP / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_usd_twd_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Currency USD/TWD / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_other_curr_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Currency Others / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_0m_3m_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Residual Maturity 0 – 3 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_3m_6m_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Residual Maturity 3 – 6 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_6m_9m_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Residual Maturity 6 – 9 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_9m_12m_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Residual Maturity 9 – 12 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_1y_2y_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Residual Maturity 1 – 2 Years / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_2y_5y_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Residual Maturity 2 – 5 Years / Non-deliverable Forward |
not_prod_5y_more_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of Outstanding Trades By Product and Residual Maturity > 5 Years / Non-deliverable Forward |
TurnoverOutput Fields (JSON) |
Swagger Format |
Name | Type | Unit Of Measure | Description |
period_date_from | Date | For the period from Date in ISO format yyyy-mm-dd For example, 2021-02-01 |
period_date_to | Date | For the period to Date in ISO format yyyy-mm-dd For example, 2021-02-01 |
nt_total_asset_class | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover Total (Asset Class) |
nt_prod_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_intend_clear_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Intention to Clear Intended to Clear / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_not_intend_clear_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Intention to Clear Not Intended to Clear / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_usd_cny_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Currency USD/CNY / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_usd_idr_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Currency USD/IDR / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_usd_inr_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Currency USD/INR / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_usd_krw_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Currency USD/KRW / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_usd_myr_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Currency USD/MYR / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_usd_php_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Currency USD/PHP / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_usd_twd_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Currency USD/TWD / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_other_curr_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Currency Others / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_0m_3m_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Residual Maturity 0 – 3 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_3m_6m_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Residual Maturity 3 – 6 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_6m_9m_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Residual Maturity 6 – 9 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_9m_12m_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Residual Maturity 9 – 12 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_1y_2y_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Residual Maturity 1 – 2 Years / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_2y_5y_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Residual Maturity 2 – 5 Years / Non-deliverable Forward |
nt_prod_5y_more_non_deliver_fw | Number | US$mn | New Trade Turnover By Product and Residual Maturity > 5 Years / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_total_asset_class | Number | Number of New Trade Total (Asset Class) |
num_nt_prod_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_intent_clear_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Intention to Clear Intended to Clear / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_not_intent_clear_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Intention to Clear Not Intended to Clear / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_usd_cny_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Currency USD/CNY / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_usd_idr_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Currency USD/IDR / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_usd_inr_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Currency USD/INR / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_usd_krw_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Currency USD/KRW / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_usd_myr_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Currency USD/MYR / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_usd_php_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Currency USD/PHP / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_usd_twd_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Currency USD/TWD / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_other_curr_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Currency Others / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_0m_3m_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Residual Maturity 0 – 3 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_3m_6m_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Residual Maturity 3 – 6 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_6m_9m_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Residual Maturity 6 – 9 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_9m_12m_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Residual Maturity 9 – 12 Months / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_1y_2y_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Residual Maturity 1 – 2 Years / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_2y_5y_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Residual Maturity 2 – 5 Years / Non-deliverable Forward |
num_nt_prod_5y_more_non_deliver_fw | Number | Number of New Trade By Product and Residual Maturity > 5 Years / Non-deliverable Forward |
1. For further details of HKTR data disclosure, please refer to https://hktr.hkma.gov.hk/ContentDetail.aspx?pageName=Data-Disclosure⟨=eng. |
API Examples
Javascript Example
$.ajax({url: 'https://api.hkma.gov.hk/public/financial-market-infra/trade-repository/hktr-data-disclose-fx?segment=positions&offset=0',dataType:'json',success:function(data){alert('results found:'+ data.result.datasize)}});
Python Example
import urllib.requesturl = 'https://api.hkma.gov.hk/public/financial-market-infra/trade-repository/hktr-data-disclose-fx?segment=positions&offset=0'with urllib.request.urlopen (url) as req:print (req.read())